Roast Chicken with Oyster Cornbread Stuffing
This dinner brings the flavors of Thanksgiving to any evening. To get into the mood tune into Pandoro’s acoustic blues channel and pour yourself a glass of your favorite dry white wine.
TIP: Reduce the amount of oysters used if you want a milder taste.
- 2 tbsp butter
- 1/4 cup diced celery
- 1/4 cup diced onion
- 1/8 cup chopped parsley
- 1/4 tsp thyme
- 8 oz can oysters (only need 1/2)
- 1 chicken leg quarter
- Emeril’s Essence
- 1 box Jiffy Corn Bread Mix
- 1 egg
- 1/3 cup Milk
- Preheat oven to 400 degrees
- Place roasting tray in oven to heat (top shelf)
- Mix the cornbread ingredients and let rise
- Grease muffin tins with butter
- Wash and trim extra fat from chicken
- When oven reaches 400 degrees place muffins on middle shelf
- Place chicken, skin down on roasting pan.
- Dice Celery, Onion and parsley.
- Remove muffins from oven when done (approx 15 minutes and bamboo skewer comes out clean.
- Reduce oven to 350 degrees, flip chicken and liberally coat with Emeril’s Essence
- Sautee Celery, Onion and Parsley in 2 tbsp butter until clear
- Run can of oysters through food processor, or dice by hand.
- Add 4 corn bread muffins to pan. Add half the oysters and thyme. Mix until blended and moist. Pat down with spoon.
- Place stuffing mix into oven on bottom shelf
- Flip chicken occasionally, if oven gets smokey or chicken is getting too dark reduce heat.
- Remove chicken when temperature reaches 180 degrees and juice run clears. Cook longer if you like it “falling off the bones” done.
- Remove stuffing when chicken is done, temperature should be 140 degrees or higher.
(c) 2015 Randy Hill