Not all Blood Sausages are created equal

So the plan was to cook pirogi’s, kielbasa and peppers, but they had some blood sausage next to the kielbasa and I thought I’d give that a try. Turns out that after I got it home and read the fine print it was Portuguese Morcella. Well what the heck, I like kiszka and Scottish black pudding….

Well as I started frying the Morcella, the smell was shall we say a little off from what I would have expected. And the taste was even a little stranger. So Portuguese spices and blood sausage don’t seem to be a match made in any place I’d want to go to eat.

Now if only that polish deli was still open….but then I do live in Rhode Island so it’s the demand isn’t really there for good Polish sausages.

Needless to say this one won’t make the recipe list.

Randy Hill

About Randy Hill

I live in New England and write about cooking meals for one. Follow Randy Hill on Google+.
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